A half-truth, my mother recently suggested I develop a fashion blog to get some of my pithy comments on fashion, culture, and the like down on proverbial "paper", and I conceded.
I've started and stopped these types of things over the years, much to the chagrin and disappointment of most, and have resented my lack of drive to keep one going for longer than a few months. I find that judging other people's blogs is so much easier than maintaing my own.
But no more. Uh uh. I'm going to be posting little scribbles, babbles, and prattle on the subjects of all things "ladypants", which is a term of affection I developed to describe ladies who I like. The grounds on which I like them can run anywhere from their outfit that day, the book or song they just released, the class or trip these just took: seemingly anything from the deep to the fatuous.
You'll like it, I promise.
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